Ali Khan Corner
Excerpt from the speech of Liaquat Ali Khan
University of California, Berkeley. May 16,
I believe that your people earnestly
desire peace. We, who have just begun to live, can hardly wish for
annihilation to overtake us when we have not yet taken our first
few breaths. What can we do to maintain peace in the world beyond
keeping our own house in order? It seems to us in the East that
only those who can make war can primarily maintain peace. If they
are in earnest about it, is their way not clear?
When we find strong and powerful nations boldly defying
aggression, we are heartened by their stand but we ask ourselves
two questions:
- Firstly, is aggression to be defied only where
we dislike the aggressor or is aggression to be defied in all
its forms, big and small, and wherever it may appear? If the first,
we will be doing no honor to democracy or justice or freedom but
to the principle of biological survival. If the second, we will
be serving the cause of freedom everywhere and giving hope to
new nations.
- Secondly, is defiance, however stimulating
it may be, enough? Are there not vast fields for constructive
effort by which alone can enduring peace be built up?
Yours is a great country with enormous resources of
wealth, experience and technical skill. We, who believe in individual
initiative, effort and enterprise do not believe that the era of
private ownership is over. But we do believe that we have entered
upon an era when capital should come out of its shell and move in
the spheres of international social objectives and move on from
exploitation to production.
Your country fought for its own independence once.
You have been great exponents and the jealous guardians of freedom.
Words from your Declaration of Independence and your constitution
have inspired men in far-off lands. You have shown to the world
what human effort can do for human welfare. You have no colonies
and I believe no territorial ambitions. Has not your history therefore
equipped you more than most nations to be among the leading architects
of the enlightened internationalism of the future?
We Asiatics in general and Pakistan in particular
are waiting to see what your answer will be. We do not know what
you will say but should you decide that construction is the best
way to defy destruction, you will find the people of Pakistan amongst
your staunchest friends.
I have spoken to you with great candor and from the
depth of my heart for we are a simple and frank people as you are;
we hold our freedom dear as you do and we love peace, if possible,
even more than you do.
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