Search the Republic of Rumi
Chapter 20
Silent Tunes
You have reached the end of the first part of the
enclave. The last chapter, ‘Invocation,’ is the opposite
of the prelude. There, Iqbal spoke to you, but now he is addressing
The Poet's Prayer
O Lord, whose face lends light to the moon and
the stars! Withdraw Your fire from the soul, take back what You
have put in my breast, remove the stabbing radiance from my mirror,
or give me one good companion to be the mirror of mine all burning
love! In the sea, wave tosses side by side with wave: each has
a partner in their emotion. I beg of Your Grace a sympathizing
friend, one who is adept in the mysteries of my nature, a friend
endowed with madness and wisdom so that I may confide my secret
to that soul and see again my face in another heart.
- Could you be the friend he is looking
You have reached the end of this chapter. You may like to discuss it before reading the next.
Search the Republic of Rumi
The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality (2007) is an interactive summary of the works of the Poet-Philosopher Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), which can be traced back to the message and purpose of Rumi. It is a voice of hopefulness and a call for bringing a positive change.