The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

Chapter 88


By Khurram Ali Shafique

Spring has arrived at the foothill of the mountain. Color has become a sheet that covers the whole world and stones have developed feelings. The stream of life gushes forth unabated. Iqbal and Rumi hold a dialogue against this backdrop.


The East lives on through your words! Of what disease nations die?


Every nation that perished in the past, perished for mistaking stone for incense.


Muslims have lost their vigour and force. Why have they become so timid and tame?


No nation meets its doom until it angers a servant of God.


Though life is a market that lacks attractions, what kind of bargain could still be good?


Sell cleverness and purchase wonder. Cleverness is doubt and wonder perception.

In some other corner of the universe, the Devil says to Gabriel, “I rankle in God’s heart like a thorn but all you can offer the Almighty is more worship.” His taunt receives rejoinder through a call to the Morning Prayer arising from the depth of the human heart.

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Search the Republic of Rumi

A dialogue between Rumi and Iqbal in a unique setting, followed by a conversation between Devil and Gabriel.
Persian text

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