Republic of Rumi

To Javid and posterity
Retold by
Hina Tanvir
Illustrated by
Tabassum Khalid
Edited by
Khurram Ali Shafique
Series editor
Muhammad Suheyl Umar
Published by
Iqbal Academy Pakistan

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The human being is ever craving for company in this seven-colored world, O Lord! Where is a companion for the soul?

Let this world descend from my sight, the way sun and moon descend beneath the horizon; let a day appear before me that does not belong to the passing time.

O Lord! You are my beloved. Your face is my faith and my Quran. Let me see it, for the sun doesn’t lose anything by giving out its rays. A passionate soul like mine is not to be found in this age when people are held back by reason. So light up the darkness of my heart with your light like a moon.

O Lord! We yearn to see you but cannot see. Take away our blindness, speak to us and take us beyond the world of today and tomorrow! Take us beyond the world of the moon and the stars!

O Lord! I am a mortal and my light is like a short-lived spark before your everlasting illumination. Make me immortal and grant me the strength to tread upon the path that you have laid open before me. Make my book easy for the youth to understand, for I am going to tell of another world.

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O Lord! Make my book easy for the youth to understand, for I am going to tell of another world.

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