The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

Chapter 65

Déjà Vu

By Khurram Ali Shafique

Two prologues appear immediately afterwards.

Prologue in Heaven

It is the hour of Creation. The sky, lit up with so many stars and planets, taunts the earth for having no light of its own. The earth complains to the Creator. A voice from across the skies informs it that from its clay shall be born a creature whose light shall outshine the sky.

The heavenly voice is followed by a song from the heavenly choir of angels: The luster of a handful of dust one day shall outshine the creatures of light: Earth shall be transformed into heaven through the star of our destiny.

You have heard the song before. It was Poem 30 in the second chamber of the Temple of Modern David. Incidentally, it is also the end marker of the third zone but that zone has not even started yet. So you are not hearing the song here as an end marker. You are witnessing the scene where it was sung for the first time.


  • Is the taunt of the sky directed at the human beings as well as the earth?

  • Does the sky also represent here the Devil who refused to bow down before Adam?

  • Traditional mind perceived the earth to be the center of the universe whereas the modern mind has learnt that the sun is the center. Can this parable be relevant to that conflict as well?

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‘Prologue in Heaven’, containing a parable about the theme of the journey to be undertaken in Javidnama.
Persian text

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