Jan 2 Police Commission appointed Jan 18 New Campus of Karachi University inaugurated by B.A.Hashmi, VC Jan Presidential (Election and Constitution) Order, 1960 promulgated to provide that 80000 elected Basic Democrats (BDs) would vote to decide whether Ayub should remain President or not Feb 17 Constitution Commission appointed Feb 18 Commission on Price Structure appointed Mar 10 Film Fact-finding Committee appointed Apr 12 Nawab Amir Muhammad Khan of Kalabagh becomes govn of WP; Lt Gen Azam Khan, govn of EP Apr 16 Medical Reforms Commission submits report May 24 Cabinet approves master plan for Islamabad prepared by Greek Doxiades Associates Jul 31 Ayub lays down foundation stone of Quaids Mausoleum Aug 6 Sports, Culture, and Youth Committees submit reports Sep 1 Ayub meets Nehru for 2 hours at Palam Airport (India) Sep 3 Commission on Price Structure submits report Sep 8 Scientific Commission submits its report Oct 1 National Prize Bonds launched Oct 18 Surplus Manpower Commission appointed Oct Cyclones and floods in East Pakistan; Govn Azam Khan wins popularity for efficient rehabilitation effort Nov Ayub visits Cairo Oct Team of experts from UNESCO engaged by the Government submits its report on the feasibility of educational television in Pakistan Nov 29 Food and Agriculture Commission submits report
January. Elections for Basic Democracies (BD) members were carried out this month according to the presidential plan announced last month. The direct role of the people in electing the President ends today as they cast votes for BD candidates. It is now up to the 80,000 elected BDs to decide whom they want to be the ruler. The system is criticised for eliminating the basic purpose of democracy, but some defend for being closer to the tribal majlis-e-shura current in early days of Islam. Islamabad February 24. Information Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
announces the Presidential Cabinets decision to call the new capital
"Islamabad". Rejected proposals include "Jinnahpur",
"Ayubabad" ,"Muslimabad" Press and Publications Ordinance April 26. The President has passed the Press and Publications Ordinance (1960) which defines the rules regarding the grant of declarations and allied matters for newspapers and periodicals. The government is also empowered to ask for security deposits. An American in Peshawar? May 1. Russian premier Khrushchiev claims to have shot down American U2 spy aircraft within Russian territories allegedly flown from Badaber Airbase near Peshawar.Pilot arrested for trial. There will be another constitution June 9. Commission headed by Justice Shahabuddin begins work on draft proposal for constitution. 75 page questionnaire issued for public opinion The American pilot August. American pilot arrested for spying in Russia this May has admitted his aircraft had taken off from the US airbase at Bud Bir. The Russsian carges that US is operating military bases in Pakistan is now proved, even though Ayub Khan and Eisenhover had both denied.
September 19 Pakistan signs Indus Basin Treaty with India, under auspicers of World Bank, getting control of Jhelum, Chanab and Indus, leaving Ravi, Beas and Satlaj to India. World Bank to help building two dams at Tarbela and Mangla. The treaty was signed in Karachi by Indian PM Nehru, Pakistani President Ayub and Vice-President of World Bank Mr. Illif. Mr. Nehru's trip to Pakistan is intended to extend over a few days. |
February 14. In the Presidential Elections held today on the simple formula of referendum, 95.6% of all BD members have said yes to the question: Do you have confidence in President Field Marshall Muhammad Ayub Khan, Hilal-e-Pakistan, Hilal-e-Jurat? The victory has also provided Ayub Khan the authority to proceed with the framing of constitution for the country. February 17. Ayub Khan takes oath as the 1st "elected" President of Pakistan Yaadgar-e-Pakistan foundation stone laid down by Akhtar Husain, Governor West Pakistan New postage stamps depict Jammu, Kashmir, Hyderabad and Manavadar as disputed territories "Final status not yet determined" Apparently this is in response to the Indian postage stamps issued 3 years back which depicted these as Indian territories
Political necessity? April 23. Justice Munir admits his decision on Tameezudin Khan Case (1955) was an act of political necessity Rome Olympics September 9. Pakistan wins medal in Rome by defeating Indian hockey team, the world champion for 32 years. Left-in Naseer Bunda scored the only goal of the match Persecuted Quratul Ain Hyder has migrated to India apparently due to the backlash on her recent novel Aag ka Darya, which many attacked here for being critical of the Two-Nation Theory