The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

Chapter 29

Abu Bakr

By Khurram Ali Shafique

Abu Bakr Siddique appears in Iqbal’s dream.
He was one of the closest companions of the Prophet and the first of the four rightly guided caliphs. Now he offers practical tips for Muslims through commentary on the four verses of ‘Unity,’ Chapter 112 of the Quran.

Say: He is God, the One

“You call yourself Turk, Afghan and so on,” says Abu Bakr. “Become one, and let the Unity be seen.”

God is Self-subsistent

Harun Rasheed, the famous Abbasid ruler, who has just defeated the Byzantine Emperor, wants to study the sayings of the Prophet. He summons Imam Malik, the renowned expert who lives in Madinah, the city of the Prophet. Malik replies, “Love says to me, ‘Obey me and do not sign the article of service even to kings.’”

“You are Joseph,” says Abu Bakr. “Do not lower your value by accepting bounties.”

He has no offspring, nor was He begotten by anyone

Salman is a devoted Persian whom the Prophet counts as a family member. Arabs are conscious about pedigrees, so they ask Salman about his lineage. He replies, “I am Salman, the son of Islam.”

“Racial identity is related to the body and love to the soul,” says Abu Bakr. “Therefore, love is more permanent.”

And there is none like Him

A solitary tulip has sprung on the top of a mountain. Its color has gathered the fire of the sun from the morning breeze so that it looks like a star against the backdrop of the sky. The first ray of the Sun kisses it and the dewdrop wakes it up by washing its face.


  • How do these analogies explain the Muslim nation?

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A summary of the philosophy of Muslim nationalism is offered here in the light of Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112 of the Quran).
Click to see complete passage

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