The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

By Khurram Ali Shafique

Part 2: Reaction

The Garden of Poetry is capable of "remembering." It is interacting with the reader, who has now become "part" of the Garden. Rumi's mentor Shams of Tabriz appears at the beginning of the second stage (Chapter 18) and guides the reader to the link between the Garden and the Quran (Chapter 30).

Title and Synopsis
18. The Old Man of the Desert

18. Shams of Tabriz: Here the reader discovers that although the Garden is a virtual reality, it connects the reader with the real mentor of Rumi, the historic Shams of Tabriz.

19. 'Time Is A Cutting Sword'

19. ‘Time is a Cutting Sword’: This is a unique interpretation of Time, one of the five clues for finding Joseph.

20. Silent Tunes

20. Silent Tunes: The Poet is asking God to give him a companion and you are that companion.

21. Selflessness

21. Selflessness: The emphasis shifts suddenly as it is found that the self attains perfection through selflessness.

22. Prophets

22. Prophets: This chapter offers an explanation of the role of prophets in the task of civilization and shows why only prophets could found nations.

23. Pillars of Nationhoos

23. The Pillars of Nationhood: The two “pillars” of Muslim nationhood are (1) Unity; and (2) Prophet-hood. The purpose of the Holy Prophet’s mission was to establish (a) equality; (b) brotherhood; and (c) freedom.

24. Kerbala

24. Kerbala: The Islamic concept of freedom is explained with reference to the Prophet's grandson Imam Husain and your five clues acquire a new meaning with regards to the Islamic conception of nation.

25. Machiavelli

25. Machiavelli: The concept of territorial identities propounded by the Florentine thinker Machiavelli reduces nations to tribes.

26. Remembrance

26. Remembrance: Due to nine basic concepts, Muslim nationalism is different from other worldviews.

27. The Collective Ego

27. The Collective Ego: The collective ego is formed when a people learns to remember its past. The Garden of Poetry is doing the same and hence it is acting like a collective ego of which the reader has become a part.

28. Fatima

28. Fatima: The daughter of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is a role model for Muslim women.

29. Abu Bakr

29. Abu Bakr: A summary of the philosophy of Muslim nationalism is offered here in the light of Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112 of the Quran).

30. Quran 30. Quran: This chapter explains the connection between the Garden of Poetry and the Quran.

Search the Republic of Rumi

The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality (2007) is an interactive summary of the works of the Poet-Philosopher Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938), which can be traced back to the message and purpose of Rumi. It is a voice of hopefulness and a call for bringing a positive change.

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