The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

Chapter 89

Napoleon's Tomb

By Khurram Ali Shafique

Someone from Europe asks Iqbal if Rumi has left any message for the present age as well. “Eat not hay and corn, like donkeys, but eat of your choice like the musk deer,” Iqbal quotes the master. “Whoever devours grass ends up under the butcher’s knife. Whoever feeds on the light of God becomes the Word of God.”

At Napoleon’s Tomb

Les Invalides is a hospital and retirement home for war veterans in Paris. It is surrounded by a complex of museums and memorials to military history. Among them is the tomb of the French emperor and military genius Napoleon Bonaparte.

Standing at that tomb, Iqbal thinks that the zeal for action is the key to the mysteries of destiny.


The dictator Mussolini is infusing a new spirit in the life of his nation.

Nadir Shah of Afghanistan

King Amanullah to whom Iqbal dedicated A Message from the East got deposed through the conniving of the British. His nephew Nadir Shah came to throne and invited Iqbal to give advice on the new education policy but his rule was short-lived. He got assassinated.

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Poems about Napoleon, Mussolini and King Nadir Shah of Afghanistan.
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