Search the Republic of Rumi
Chapter 25
The earth spreads out in front of you like a sheet
as if you could see both hemispheres at once.
It is the chapter after Kerbala. “Since the
Muslim nation is founded upon Unity and prophet-hood, it is not
bounded by space,” says Iqbal. He goes on to add that the
Prophet was not of this world and his migration from Makkah to Madinah
demonstrated a principle of Islam: one who is free of dimensions
ranges through all directions, like the sky.
The opposite of this principle is presented next.
In a picturesque village near Florence in Italy,
the diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli lives in exile, spending
several hours every day in writing Il Principe, or The Prince,
inspired by phantoms from the bygone glory of the Roman Empire.
With a pen capable of shattering the truth into irreconcilable
fragments, he establishes the countries to be the foundations
of nations.
He dies in 1527 and the book gets published five
years later. Having an ideal becomes unfashionable and people
begin to define their identity by territory. Societies are now
left without souls and degenerate into tribes, each holding up
a territory like an idol to be worshipped.
The view has changed. The earth, which spread out
like a sheet, has now become fragmented so that you cannot hold
two countries together in view. Your five clues, having almost
come together to solve the mystery, are now disjointed and the
possibility of finding Joseph might be gone forever: Rumi and
Iqbal have become separated by thousands of miles and different
ages, and the organic unity between them is gone.
Iqbal was born in such an age and he was aware of
this: “My own age does not know the secrets; my Joseph
is not for this market.”
- How does the Machiavellian approach affect
your five clues of Joseph – Rumi and Iqbal, kings,
Joseph, Sufism and Time?
You have reached the end of this chapter. You may like to discuss it before reading the next.
Search the Republic of Rumi
The concept of territorial identities propounded by the Florentine thinker Machiavelli reduces nations to tribes.