It was to change such a world that you set out in
search of Joseph. The nine segments of ‘A Parable Never Told’
held out a promise. So do the next nine chapters.
It is the beginning of the world. Souls have been
gathered and the Creator asks them, “Am I not Your Sustainer?”
They all answer, “Indeed, You are.”
You hear the Quran being recited: the text and the
melody remain untouched by interpretation, translation or commentary.
Jerusalem is destroyed after Jesus Christ. The Romans
start building an idol house in place of the ancient Temple of
David. Jews move out and disperse. The memory of Moses and Aaron
lives with them, and the songs of David resonate in their hearts.
They survive as a nation.
“Seek no other meaning in the Divine Law except
the evident,” Iqbal says to you. “There is nothing
except light inside the gem.”
A beggar is being too persistent. Iqbal is young
and hits him with the walking stick. Iqbal’s old father,
with tearful eyes, says, “On that Day when the followers
of the Prophet are gathered before him, this beggar’s cries
will also be heard and what am I to say when the Prophet asks
me, ‘God committed to you a young Muslim, and was it too
hard for you to teach him some of my manners?’”
The Poet feels remorse and his father recites from
Rumi: “Do not sever your life from the last Prophet. Do
not trust your abilities too much!”
Abraham and his son Ismail are raising the foundations
of Kabah in Makkah and praying, “Our Lord! Make us both
Muslims, bowing to You, and of our descendents a Muslim nation,
and show us our place of worship, and turn to us, for surely You
are Oft-Returning, the Merciful.”
Iqbal mentions that the Prophet was leading prayers
when God asked him to change the direction – qiblah –
from Jerusalem to Makkah. The hypocrites found this difficult
to comply with.
Many things are placed before angels for them to
name. They cannot, but the newly created Adam does. God commands
the angels to bow down to Adam.
An infant recognizes its mother but as it grows
up, it begins to recognize others too. Memory records the data
and the child becomes a personality: with memory comes the awareness
of “I.” The same is the case with a nation.