The Republic of Rumi: A Novel of Reality
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The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality

Chapter 91


By Khurram Ali Shafique

If conventional wisdom has reached a dead end then it’s time to discover a new method.

The philosopher

Owing to lack of courage and self-worth, philosophers could not partake of the secret of love.

They were like vultures flying like falcons but still scavenging on dead matter.

Who is the faclon?

The falcon always seeks its own prey, since it isn’t after the meat but the game. It doesn’t like to settle down, for the expanse of the sky is without demarcations of east and west.

Seeking the truth in the manner a falcon sets out hunting might be what is required for rediscovering the secrets of the masters in the present age. Hence this is the end marker of the fourth zone but shall it be easy to get such a method accepted? The answer to that question shall show you that the last stage of your journey has begun.

End Marker
Of the Wisdom of Love

After a long time I hear the song of the camel-driver.
The treasures can be seized if one Joseph comes out of the Pharaoh’s prison.

Sign of the Beginning
Of Stage 7

Embattled with the age,
My soul is like a river weeping among the mountains.

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The reader can see that it’s time to acquire a new method for discovering the secrets of the masters.
Persian text

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